The Science Behind Waterjet Cutting and Wood Engraving: A Comprehensive Guide

Waterjet cutting and wood engraving are cutting-edge techniques that have revolutionised the woodworking industry. They offer precision, versatility, and intricate designs that traditional methods cannot match.

This blog article will delve into the science behind waterjet cutting and wood engraving, explaining how they work and their applications in the world of wood.

Waterjet Cutting

Understanding the Waterjet Cutting Process

Waterjet cutting Perth is a technique that uses a high-velocity stream of water combined with abrasive particles to cut through a variety of materials, including wood. The process relies on a waterjet nozzle that directs a highly pressurised stream, allowing for exceptional precision.

How Waterjet Cutting Works for Wood

When waterjet cutting is employed for wood, it starts with the making of a digital design that outlines the desired shape or pattern. This design guides the waterjet nozzle, which emits a focused stream of water mixed with abrasive particles, typically garnet.

Precision and Versatility

Waterjet cutting is a design manufacturing method known for its precision and versatility. It can cut intricate patterns, curves, and sharp corners in wood, allowing for highly detailed designs. This method is ideal for creating custom wooden inlays, intricate fretwork, and even 3D wood sculptures.

Minimised Material Waste

Waterjet cutting minimises material waste since it’s a non-contact process. Unlike traditional saws that produce dust and waste, waterjet cutting ensures efficient use of wood, making it an eco-friendly choice for woodworking projects.

Wood Engraving

The Art of Wood Engraving Perth

Wood engraving is a meticulous process of creating designs, patterns, or text on wood surfaces. This art form can be purely decorative or serve a functional purpose, such as creating custom wooden signs, intricate carvings, or decorative panels.

The Wood Engraving Process

Wood engraving starts with selecting the type of wood and creating a design or pattern. Once the design is finalised, engravers use specialised tools to cut into the wood, removing layers to reveal the desired pattern. Traditional wood engraving methods require expertise, time, and patience.

Modern Wood Engraving Techniques

Modern wood engraving often benefits from technology, and this is where waterjet cutting comes into play. Waterjet cutting can be used to engrave wood with exceptional precision. By directing the high-velocity waterjet, engravers can create intricate and finely detailed designs on wood surfaces.

Applications of Wood Engraving

Wood engraving has a wide range of applications, from custom furniture and cabinetry to decorative wall panels, intricate flooring, and personalised wooden gifts. It provides a timeless and elegant touch to various woodwork projects.


Waterjet cutting and wood engraving are science-based techniques that have transformed the woodworking industry. Waterjet cutting offers high-precision and versatile cutting for wood, minimising material waste.

On the other hand, whether undertaken in the traditional manner or with waterjet cutting technology, wood engraving empowers craftsmen to fashion intricate and minutely detailed designs.

These methods unleash a world of limitless possibilities for bespoke woodwork projects, ranging from ornate inlays to decorative panels, thus cementing their status as indispensable tools in contemporary woodworkers’ arsenal. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a woodworking enthusiast, these technologies offer opportunities to craft awe-inspiring wooden masterpieces.

Learn more about wood engraving and waterjet cutting by visiting Artcom Fabrication at